Development and implementation of an operational electronic journal OJUR-CMGS located at 220 kV Poselkovaya 2012.
OJUR-CMGS is based on the application QuaSy-OJUR GSSS3.1. Built in accordance with the task-oriented approach. In basement of the OJUR-SS was put structured operational tasks duty to solve out by operational managers of CMGS in usual and in emergency situations. Types and structure of the acting tasks is determined on the basis of ontological modeling of operational activities of operational menagers of CMGS in operation and in emergency situations.
External messages was entering to the OJUR-CMGS from OJUR-SS and from mobile devices, by which were equipped operational engineers of substations. Also OJUR-CMGS has been received telemetry data from SCADA (HV SHC) and SCADA (LV SHC) in accordance with the approved list.
Options of OJUR-SS:
• Records keeping in accordance with the Rules of negotiation and documentation of operational staff of substations of JSC "FGC UES".
• Regular reception of primary and timely information on the status of the equipment of substation and lines, actions of staff, critical assessment of the situation and decision-making.
• Possibility for the operational staff to send information about outage in a structured form directly to the OJUR-CMGS.
• Regular issuing of short operational reports that are convenient for quick assessment of the situation and the subsequent use in forming daily and weekly situational reports.
• The ability to view the online logs OJUR-CMGS by authorized heads of OAO "UES FGC" in accordance with business needs.