Development and implementation of system for the modeling of electrical substations in accordance with modern requirements of the standard CIM IEC for Center for the management of a group of substations (CMGS).The modeling results are used to manage the telemetry flow to provide operability of systems SCADA EMS / DMS / OMS, as well as to ensure the functioning of operational logs OJUR-SS and OJUR-CMGS. Object of implementation was the group of substations managed by CMGS located on substation of 220 kV Substation Poselkovaya. Implementation in 2012 year.
ConFrame-Electric provides ability to develop and maintain the complex power system models that are required for operational success.
ConFrame-Electric for CMGS is based on the application QuaSy ConFrame Electric 1.0.
The system is designed to modeling the substation, including visualization and structured description of the wiring diagram. It includes flexible reconfigurable and growing library of graphic primitives main and auxiliary equipment of substations, as well as user-friendly interface allowing to describe the wiring diagrams by the personnel of substations, in the interests of their subsequent use to solve problems of management and operation.
Some of the particularly useful features include:
● the ability to maintaining a database of normal wiring diagrams substation
● the ability to creation and visualization of the configuration files of substation equipment
● the ability to edit the model schematically
● the ability to application of a unified notation visual display model substation
● the ability to manage the evolution of the model over time
● the multi-user work environment